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TPS22924BYZZT, HK Niuhuasi Technology Limited - Inventory

HK Niuhuasi Technology Limited was founded in 2003, a professional electronics trading and kitting company. Our office is located in Shenzhen, the biggest electronic market in Asia. We sell the world's biggest electronic components, with main brands- TI, Atmel, Maxim, Holtek, AD, Altera, Intersil, etc.. We specilize in IC chips, capacitors, resistors, diodes, circuit boards, modules and so on. We ...

Unit Price in USD
Part Number Description Brand Qty Unit Price D/C Delivery Remarks
TPS22924BYZZT DSBGA (YZZ) TI 36499 22+
TPS22924CYZPR DSBGA (YZP) TI 6110 22+
TPS22924CYZPRB DSBGA (YZP) TI 38510 22+
TPS22924CYZPT DSBGA (YZP) TI 5107 22+
TPS22924DYZPR DSBGA (YZP) TI 9000 23+
TPS22924DYZPR DSBGA (YZP) TI 5000 22+
TPS22924DYZPT DSBGA (YZP) TI 9000 22+
TPS22924DYZPT DSBGA (YZP) TI 3000 23+
TPS22925BNYPHR DSBGA (YPH) TI 7433 22+
TPS22925BNYPHT DSBGA (YPH) TI 60000 22+
TPS22925BYPHR DSBGA (YPH) TI 58000 22+
TPS22925BYPHT DSBGA (YPH) TI 6802 22+
TPS22925CNYPHR DSBGA (YPH) TI 59000 22+
TPS22925CNYPHT DSBGA (YPH) TI 30000 22+
TPS22925CNYPHT DSBGA (YPH) TI 3000 23+
TPS22925CYPHR DSBGA (YPH) TI 50000 22+
TPS22925CYPHR DSBGA (YPH) TI 10241 23+
TPS22925CYPHT DSBGA (YPH) TI 21000 23+
TPS22925CYPHT DSBGA (YPH) TI 10000 22+
TPS22929DDBVR SOT-23 (DBV) TI 29000 22+

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